Base Camp: September 2015
Base camps are meant to be the place from which mountaineers strike out in search of the top of the world. Here, they meet their guide: seasoned professionals who have made the climb and learned the mountain. Days are spent acclimating to new altitudes, assessing conditions and strategizing. Base camp is a kind of safe haven while you investigate and plan the next leg of the journey.
Welcome to Base Camp.
As with any journey, there are times along the way when you evaluate your progress. Sometimes, you find yourself ahead of schedule, sometimes, woefully behind. I find myself in need of a base camp along the trail. On one hand, I celebrate the arrival at base camp. On the other hand, I battle thoughts of giving up.
Looking back, deciding to start this journey was agonizing. My thoughts swirled and felt very self serving. I appreciate now the courage it takes to leap into the unknown adventure. I made the leap. The chain of events that leap set in motion have been exhilarating and humbling, strengthening and overwhelming. I put one foot in front of the other as often as I could. I rested and recharged when I couldn’t imagine what to do next or how this would all work out. And now, I find myself in a clearing of sorts: a brief widening of the trail just before the next big climb. I am in need of physical rest and restructuring. Here, I will reevaluate goals, research the next steps, gain some kind of control over the chaos, and dream. Base camp is no place to rest on your laurels. Base camp is a mission unto itself: set the expedition up for success. Gather, learn, acclimate, strengthen, and plan. I’m looking forward to my time here at base camp. There is a beautiful, hope-filled mountain looming in front of me. I am ready to climb it. Knowledge is power. Success requires a solid foundation. And a leap of faith grows into reality.
It took nerve and hard work to get this far. My courage has grown exponentially. Fear, an unwelcome, yet steadfast companion, has grown quiet. The incessant reminders of every pitfall imaginable reduced to murmurings. Fear and I have an understanding today. Today, armed with my growing courage and Fear’s quieted worries, we will set up the base camp. Fear cannot stop me. Love, intelligence, determination, and desire are stronger than the fear that travels with me. And Fear knows it. More importantly, I know it.
Check back soon for more updates from Base Camp. Here we Grow!